Harry Styles - As It Was Lyrics | Harry’s House

Harry Styles As It Was Lyrics new english songs 2022 Harry Styles As It Was Lyrics Full Song Lyrics
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The lead single from Harry's impending third collection Harry's House, "As It Was" sees Styles singing in a fairly pitiful voice about his clashing sensations of forlornness and the past, concealing it with synths and an energetic sound suggestive of music from the 80s.

In a meeting, Styles depicts the tune as about "transformation, embracing change and previous self, point of view shift and all that sort of stuff."

"As It Was Track info"
Singer : Harry Styles
Director: Tanu Muino
Creative Director: Molly Hawkins
Producer: Bryan Younce, Frank Borin, Ivanna Borin, Fred Bonham Carter, Alexa Haywood
Production Company: UnderWonder Content
Choreographer: Yoann Bourgeois
Director of Photography: Nikita Kuzmenko
Production Designer: Spencer Graves

Harry Styles - As It Was Lyrics Full Song Lyrics

Holding me back,
Gravity’s holding me back,
I want you to hold out the palm of your hand,
Why don’t we leave it at that?,
Nothing to say,
When everything gets in the way,
Seems you cannot be replaced,
And I’m the one who will stay,
In this world,
It’s just us,
You know it’s not the same as it was,
In this world,
It’s just us,
You know it’s not the same as it was,
As it was,
As it was,
You know it’s not the same,
Answer the phone,
“Harry, you’re no good alone,
Why are you sitting at home on the floor?,
What kind of pills are you on?”,
Ringing the bell,
And nobody’s coming to help,
Your daddy lives by himself,
He just wants to know that you’re well,
In this world,
It’s just us,
You know it’s not the same as it was,
In this world,
It’s just us,
You know it’s not the same as it was,
As it was,
As it was,
You know it’s not the same,
Go home,
Get ahead, 
Light speed internet,
I don’t want to talk about the way that it was,
Leave America, 
Two kids follow her,
I don’t want to talk about who’s doing it first,
As it was,
You know it’s not the same as it was,
As it was,

It just felt like what I needed to say, what I needed to do and the sort of music I needed to make returning.

It was trailed by a few prods through the You Are Home mission and was first reported the melody title and delivery date on March 28, 2022 with a few visual shots from the Music Video.

About the Author

"Hi, I'm Asad Ghazanfar - a passionate music enthusiast with a love for movies, songs, and lyrics. As the author of this blog, I aim to provide accurate and engaging song lyrics in every language. With my background in music and my attentio…

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