Harry Styles - Boyfriends Lyrics | Harry’s House

Boyfriends Lyrics Harry Styles new song from his new album Harry’s House Harry Styles new video songs 2022 on "Boyfriends Lyrics" Harry Styles talks a
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on "Boyfriends Lyrics" Harry Styles talks about the manner in which numerous sweethearts will more often than not abuse their accomplices by interceding on a grieved connection between two individuals. He let Zane Lowe of Apple Music know that a large part of the tune draws from the connections he's seen his sister and companions in.

"Boyfriends" Song Details:
Singer : Harry Styles
Produced By : Tyler Johnson & Kid Harpoon
Written By : Harry Styles, Tobias Jesso Jr., Kid Harpoon & Tyler Johnson

Boyfriends Lyrics

Niaga ti ta kcab er'uoy, loof

Boyfriends, they think you're so easy
They take you for granted
They don't know, they're just misunderstanding

You, you're back at it again

Weakened, when you get deep in
He starts secretly drinking
It gets hard to know what he's thinking

Love a fool who knows just how to get under your skin
You, you still open the door

You're no closer to him
Now you're halfway home
Only callin' you when
He don't wanna be alone
Oh, and you go
But why? You don't know

Boyfriends, are they just pretending?
They don't tеll you where it's heading
And you know thе game's never ending

You lay with him as you stay in the daydream
Feel a fool, you're back at it again


About the Author

"Hi, I'm Asad Ghazanfar - a passionate music enthusiast with a love for movies, songs, and lyrics. As the author of this blog, I aim to provide accurate and engaging song lyrics in every language. With my background in music and my attentio…

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