Harry Styles - Cinema Lyrics | Harry’s House

Cinema Lyrics is a tune recorded by Harry Styles as the eighth track on his third studio collection, Harry's House. Harry Styles Cinema song Lyrics
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"Cinema Lyrics" is a tune recorded by Harry Styles as the eighth track on his third studio collection, Harry's House. Harry talked on the track in a meeting with Howard Stern, saying,

At the point when I compose tunes, they sort of begin just, I surmise, mine. I believe it's vital to compose based on the thing you're going through at that point and attempting to transform life into what you make. I get it's like, the most you can sort of catch a second is somewhat being consistent with that.

"Cinema" Song Details:
Singer : Harry Styles
Produced By : Tyler Johnson, Sammy Witte & Kid Harpoon
Written By : Sammy White & Harry Styles

Cinema Lyrics

You got, you got the cinema

It's you
And I'm not gettin' over it
Darling, is it cool
If I'm stubborn when it comes to this?
I guess we're in time
If you're getting yourself wet for me
I guess you're all mine
When you're sleeping in this bed with me

I just think you're cool
I dig your cinema
Do you think I'm cool too?
Or am I too into you?
Tell me what you want and you got it, love
I want all of you, gimme all you got
That's cinema
That's cinema, uh-huh

It's you
Don't know why, but it feels so right to me
Somethin' in the way you move
I like it when you dance for me (I just think it's)
You all the time (Time, time)
In doses at night (Night, night)
No roof on the drive
Dust off the high
And go to sleep (Go to sleep, go to sleep)

I just think you're cool
I dig your cinema
Do you think I'm cool too?
Or am I too into you?
I just think you're cool (Co-cool)
I dig your cinema (Cinema)
Do you think I'm cool too?
Or am I too into you? (Cinema)

You got, you got
I bring the pop, you pop
You got, you got
I bring the pop
You got, you got the cinema
I bring the pop to the cinema, you pop
You got, you got the cinema
You got, you got the cinema
I bring the pop to the cinema
You pop when we get intimate
You got, you got the cinema
You got, you got the cinema (Cinema)
I bring the pop to the cinema
You pop when we get intimate (Baby, you're cinema)
You got, you got the cinema
You got, you got the cinema
I bring the pop to the cinema
You pop when we get intimate (Baby, you're cinema)
You got, you got the cinema
You got, you got the cinema
I bring the pop to the cinema
You pop when we get intimate (Baby, you're cinema)
You got, you got the cinema
You got, you got the cinema (Cinema)
I bring the pop to the cinema
You pop when we get intimate

About the Author

"Hi, I'm Asad Ghazanfar - a passionate music enthusiast with a love for movies, songs, and lyrics. As the author of this blog, I aim to provide accurate and engaging song lyrics in every language. With my background in music and my attentio…

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