Harry Styles - Daydreaming Lyrics | Harry’s House

Harry Styles Daydreaming Lyrics from Harry’s House Daydreaming full video song lyrics Harry Styles new songs 2022
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'Daydreaming lyrics', the 9th track on 'Harry's House', is a sunnily cheery melody about a relationship so extraordinary, it's like "livin' in a daydream". It's a melody made for moving to - the horns excitedly honking ceaselessly in the back joined with Styles' yelled "ooh-ooh"s and "woo"s make each listen an energetic encounter, resemblant of the relationship Styles is singing about.

The tune contains an example from 'Ain't We Funkin Now' as performed by The Brothers Johnson (composed by Louis Johnson, Valerie Johnson, Alex Weir, Quincy Jones and Tom Bahler).

John Mayer, a craftsman Styles has loved since his teen years, is credited for playing the electric guitar on 'Daydreaming'. Alayna Rodgers and India Shawn, singers Styles performed with at the iHeartRadio Jingle Ball in 2020, are credited for foundation vocals on the tune, as well as on 'Late Night Talking'.

"Daydreaming" Song Details:
Singer : Harry Styles
Produced By : Tyler Johnson & Kid Harpoon
Written By : Valerie Johnson, Tom Bahler, Quincy Jones, Louis Johnson, Alex Weir, Tyler Johnson, Kid Harpoon & Harry Styles

Daydreaming Lyrics


Livin' in a daydream
She said, ’'Love me like you paid me'’
You know I'll be gone for so long
So give me all of your love, give me somethin' to dream about


Stay until the morning
'Cause, baby, lovin' you's the real thing
It just feels right
When you give me all of your love, give me somethin' to dream about
(All of your love, give me somethin' to dream about)
So give me all of your love, give me somethin’ to dream about

Oh, no

Livin’ in a daydream
Livin' in a daydream
Livin’ in a daydream
Give me all of your love, give me somethin' to dream about

Livin' in a daydream
Livin' in a daydream (It’s alright)
Livin' in a daydream
(Give me all of your love, give me somethin' to dream about)
Give me all of your love
Ooh-ooh (Give me all of your love, give me somethin' to dream about)
Woo (It's alright)
Woo (Give me all of your love, give me somethin' to dream about)

About the Author

"Hi, I'm Asad Ghazanfar - a passionate music enthusiast with a love for movies, songs, and lyrics. As the author of this blog, I aim to provide accurate and engaging song lyrics in every language. With my background in music and my attentio…

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