Harry Styles - Late Night Talking Lyrics | Harry’s House

Late Night Talking Lyrics Harry Styles new album Harry’s House Harry Styles video song English songs lyrics
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Harry appeared "Late Night Talking Lyrics" at his most memorable Coachella 2022 show, checking it as the second new tune from him of the evening (the first being "Beaus").

A work of art, 70s-esque energy. It will be on his third studio collection, 'Harry's House.'

It is likewise supposed to be composed for his accomplice while they were on visit.

"Late Night Talking" Song Details:
Singer : Harry Styles
Produced By : Tyler Johnson & Kid Harpoon
Written By : Kid Harpoon & Harry Styles

Late Night Talking Lyrics

Things haven't been quite the same
There's a haze on the horizon, babe
It's only been a couple of days and I miss you, mmm, yeah
When nothing really goes to plan
You stub your toe or break your camera
I'll do everything I can to help you through

If you're feeling down, I just wanna make you happier, baby
Wish I was around, I just wanna make you happier, baby

We've been doin' all this late night talkin'
'Bout anything you want until the mornin'
Now you're in my life
I can't get you off my mind

I've never been a fan of change
But I'd follow you to any place
If it's Hollywood or Bishopsgate, I'm coming too (Ooh)

If you're feeling down, I just wanna make you happier, baby
Wish I was around, I just wanna make you happiеr, baby

We've been doin' all this late night talkin'
'Bout anything you want until thе mornin'
Now you're in my life
I can't get you off my mind

Can't get you off my mind
Can't get you off my mind (Can't get you off my mind)
I won't even try (I won't even try)
To get you off my mind (Get you off my mind)

We've been doin' all this late night talkin'
'Bout anything you want until the mornin'
Now you're in my life
I can't get you off my mind

Can't get you off my mind (All this late night talking)
Can't get you off my mind (All this late night talking)
I won't even try (All this late night talking)
Can't get you off my (All this late night talking)

About the Author

"Hi, I'm Asad Ghazanfar - a passionate music enthusiast with a love for movies, songs, and lyrics. As the author of this blog, I aim to provide accurate and engaging song lyrics in every language. With my background in music and my attentio…

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